Our internal EHS2 Management System is consistent with the requirements of various globally recognized standards on Occupational Safety and Health, including AS/NZS 4801:2001, OHSAS 18001:2007, and ANSI Z10-2012, and goes beyond compliance to provide the flexibility to develop a sustainable safety culture within CSL Behring. We promote safety, health and well-being in the workplace and appreciate the value of work/life balance. Our health and well-being programs take many forms, from onsite fitness centers, yoga classes and workplace meditation facilities, to lectures on health topics and sponsored sporting events and teams. In addition to promoting employee well-being, these programs also contribute to a more productive working environment. We report our injury-illness performance as Frequency Rates (per 1,000,000 hours) for Medical Treatment Incidents , Lost Time Incidents and Days Lost . Health & Safety performance trends for CSL are detailed in the section "Providing a Positive Working Environment for Our People" of Our Corporate Responsibility Report.
Adhering to Globally Recognized Standards