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Transparency Reporting

In Australia, CSL Behring (Australia) Pty Ltd complies with the Medicines Australia (MA) Code of Conduct and has undertaken to be open and transparent when we provide a reportable payment to healthcare professionals, third party organisations for sponsorship of educational meetings and symposia and health consumer organisations.

CSL Behring’s ethical and transparent commitment to support health care professional education and health consumer organisations means that patients can be even more confident that they are receiving the best of care.

Healthcare Professional Transfers of Value and Transparency Reports

CSL Behring supports healthcare professional education to advance and improve patient health in Australia. Increased transparency will reassure the Australian community that these payments are appropriate and that healthcare professionals will continue to put patients’ interests first.

Reportable payments to Healthcare Professionals are:

  • Payments for the provision of services such as giving a lecture, chairing an educational meeting, providing advice as a member of an Advisory Board or as a Consultant
  • Sponsorship to attend medical education (airfares, accommodation, conference registration fees)

HCPs should review the CSL Behring Collection Notice available here for further information on HCP transparency reporting.

CSL Behring is publishing its Healthcare Professional Transfers of Value reports on this website in CSV and PDF formats in a manner consistent with Australia’s Privacy legislation.  

CSL Behring HCP Transparency report May 2023 to October 2023 (PDF)
CSL Behring HCP Transparency report Nov 2022 to Apr 2023 (PDF)

CSL Behring HCP Transparency report May 2022 to October 2022 (PDF)
CSL Behring HCP Transparency report Nov 2021 - Apr 2022 (PDF)

CSL Behring HCP transparency report May 2021 - Oct 2021 (PDF)
CSL Behring HCP transparency report May 2021 - Oct 2021 (CSV)

CSL Behring HCP transparency report Nov 2020 - Apr 2021 (PDF)
CSL Behring HCP transparency report Nov 2020 - Apr 2021 (CSV)


Third Party Meeting and Symposia Sponsorship Reports

From 30 April 2020, CSL Behring is publishing its Third Party Meeting and Symposia Sponsorship Report on this website in PDF format. These sponsorships support independent healthcare professional educational activities that are organised by third parties to enhance healthcare professional’s knowledge and skills so that patients can be even more confident that they are receiving the best of care. Sponsored third party educational meetings and symposia include those organised by universities, hospitals and healthcare professional societies.

Reportable payments to Third Party organisations are:

  • Financial sponsorship of a third party educational event
  • Monetary contribution to support the conduct of grand rounds, clinic meetings or journal club meetings
  • Purchase space for providing a trade display at an educational event

CSL Behring Third Party Meeting and Symposia Sponsorship May 2023 - Oct 2023 (PDF)

CSL Behring Third Party Meeting and Symposia Sponsorship Nov 2022 - Apr 2023 (PDF)

CSL Behring Third Party Meeting and Symposia Sponsorship May 2022 - Oct 2022 (PDF)

CSL Behring Third Party Meeting and Symposia Sponsorship Nov 2021 - Apr 2022 (PDF)

CSL Behring Third Party Meeting and Symposia Sponsorship May 2021 - Oct 2021 (PDF)

CSL Behring Third Party Meeting and Symposia Sponsorship Nov 2020 - Apr 2021 (PDF)


Health Consumer Organisation Support Reports

From 30 June 2020, CSL Behring is publishing its Health Consumer Organisation Support Report on this website in PDF format. CSL Behring supports not-for-profit Health Consumer Organisations to improve health outcomes for the Australian patient community. Our support follows the principles of ‘Working Together: A Guide to Relationships between Health Consumer Organisations and Pharmaceutical Companies’ which was developed together by MA and the Consumer Health Forum.

Reportable payments and non-financial support to Health Consumer Organisations are:

  • the name of the health consumer organisation
  • a description of the nature of the support that is sufficiently complete to enable the average reader to form an understanding of the nature of the support
  • the monetary value of financial support and of invoiced costs. For significant non-financial support that cannot be assigned a meaningful monetary value, the published information must describe clearly the non-monetary value that the organisation receives.

For further information about transparency reporting, please visit

CSL Behring 2021 Health Consumer Organisation Support (PDF)

CSL Behring 2022 Health Consumer Organisation Support (PDF)

CSL Behring 2023 Health Consumer Organisation Support (PDF)